do you wanna wind up in a graveyard...


...just another girl who costarred?
they're gonna wrap you up in cornsilk.
they're gonna cry like you were spilled milk.
-rhett miller

2002-07-2811:22 p.m.

this is what i used to think was a good movie. this is what i used to think love was. hhhmmm. i think my top 5 movies that are definitive of my childhood are: the little mermaid (the japanese anime version where she dies in the end), stand by me, dirty dancing, sixteen candles and the outsiders. i am going to be more optimistic about love, especially toward my friends that are falling in love, even if the boys seem like jerks, love could win out in the end, i suppose. i should stop being so scared for my friends, i've been real negative.

i've got kick ass friends, too. for my sex and the crockett party, my girlfriends came over and made adobo, turon, and brownies. i bought the drumsticks, soy sauce and vinegar, and made some iced green tea w/mint. naida is the bomb diggetiest cook ever. i love her cooking. i don't know how whole heartedly my friends will come again for next week's sex and the crockett, but it sure was fun. aya was so cute. she LOVES crockett. she wants to move here w/her boyfriend, to this little nothing town. i had to pop over to the grocery store and i brought her so she could see the one grocery/video/atm/liquor store place in crockett.

i ought to get to bed. whiteboy has turned into grey boy and is comatose on my bed. he has been adventuring outside lately. eee-eew. now he's not stuffed animal like. all the other cats are afraid of him because he's fat, but he has no claws. little do they know...

* soundtrack d'jour *

* nostalgia d'jour *

* wish d'jour *

bout to give this girl a shout

>>back in the day>>
>>i'm not a kid anymore>>
>>but somedays i sit & wish i was a kid again>>

"i don't want the world, i just want your half..."
-they might be giants

>>>leave your mark on me / [?uestbook]>>>

* me love you long time *
friendster / salgado / kookamonga / john / les / old 97s / pbj time / jerms / tim / christopher / angelien / streets of sf / la filmmakers / open the light / agent cb / squelched / stare / cainer / salon / elisabeth / nerve / tao / rhett / poetic dream / verse / rotten tomatoes / pinay / half / squidlist / sfstation / whitehouse dot org / onion / spark / cl /hyphen / torch / mindtrick /wetzoolamb / blackfire / thirdrail / bindlestiff /

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